Here the cusp of the sign rising at the beginning of the Gulika segment is considered as Gulika.
First House - Native posses cruel attitude, suffer from eye problems. Hate classical and traditional literature and rituals. Always cursing himself.
Second House - Speaks ill of others. Involve himself in domestic troubles. Face financial hardship.
Third House - Proudy, selfish and remain aloof from society. Fond of drinking and always fighting with siblings.
Fourth House - Lives in dirty atmosphere. Shortage of funds and no pleasure of any conveyance.
Fifth House - Worries on account of children. Dogmatic views and lack higher education.
Sixth House- Involve himself in many vices and suffers from its ill effects. Always troubled by enemies.
Seventh House - Character doubtful and spoils reputation in family circle – Suspicious about spouse.
Eighth House - Life full of unending troubles. Suffer from chronic diseases – speak ill of others. Always threat to longevity.
Ninth House - Suffering due to early death of father. No religious aptitude.
Tenth House - No proper and gainful sources of income. Changing profession and unsuccessful in business.
Eleventh House - Gains from progeny. Plenty of wealth. Luxurious life style.
Twelth House - Poor living. Unable to meet fimily expenses. Depend on others for financial help.
Gulika gives favourable results in upachaya houses like 3 – 6 – 10 and 11. The unavourable results of Gulika are lost when the rashi and Navamsa Lords of Gulika dispositor are debilitated or combust.
The natural karaka planets when associated with Gulika destroy or diminish good results of that planet.
Gulika and Sun - Harmful to the longevity of Father.
Gulika and Moon - Loss of comforts from mother.
Gulika and Mars - Adverse family relations with co-borns and suffer from their early death.
Gulika and Mercury - Native remain mentally disturbed.
Gulika and Jupiter - Person misuse the religious feelings of others. Pose himself as religious fanatics.
Gulika and Venus - Suffers due to bad company of doubtful character women and ruins his marital life.
Gulika and Saturn - Suffer from skin and allergy diseases.
Gulika and Rahu - Prone to infection and virus diseases.
Gulika and Ketu - Fear from bad characters and criminals.
Even with many unfavourable traits mentioned above, Gulika posses powers of conferring Raja Yoga like honouring the native with highest position in profession/career, dignity and honour throughout life, political powers leading to holding ministerial post. Name and fame and comforts of luxurious life.
Phala Deepika Chapter 25 sloka – 18 describe as follows:
गुलिकभवननाथे केन्द्रगे वा त्रिकोणे बलिनि निजगृहस्थे स्वोच्चमित्रस्थिते वा।
रथगजतुरगाणां नायको मारतुल्यो महितपृथुयशास्स्यान्मेदिनीमण्डलेन्द्रः।।
These Raja Yogas will fructify in case the dispositor of Gulika; its Navamsa lords are placed in Kendra or trikona houses or in its own sign or in its exaltation. These avasthas of Gulika dispositor nullify the adverse effects of Gulika and give Raj Yoga results. But its propensity as maraca remain intact.
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