Worshipping Goddess Matangi is beneficial to strengthen weak sun, afflicted sun or sun-Rahu, sun- ketu, sun-saturn combination in the birth chart.
For mental peace, happiness, concentration, sound sleep and to improve weak moon (moon conjunct with or aspected by malefic like sun, mars, saturn, rahu, ketu) one should worship Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.
By worshipping Goddess Kali one can reduce the malefic effects of planet Saturn.
People born with badly placed mercury in the birth chart should worship Goddess Shodashi or Tripurasundari.
Goddess Tara controls planet Jupiter. By worshipping her one can enhance the good effects of Jupiter.
To gain all comforts, luxuries, and material pleasure in life, one should worship Goddess Kamala as she controls planet Venus.
People born with debilitated mars or mars-saturn, mars-rahu combination in the birth chart should worship Goddess Bagalamukhi to reduce the bad effects of planet Mars.
To pacify planet Rahu and to attain material success one can worship Goddess Chinnamasta.
Goddess Dhumavati controls planet Ketu. By worshipping her one can attain moksha or salvation.
People born with weak Lagna (ascendant) that is Lagna lord debilitated, rahu placed in Lagna or Lagna lord in the eighth or twelfth house of the birth chart should worship Goddess Bhairavi to strengthen their Lagna.
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