Saturday, 3 December 2016



All divisional charts are derived out of birth horoscope only. Chaturthamsa divisional chart in the Shodashvarga scheme is considered 4th divisional chart as Shodashvarga takes birth chart also in divisional chart scheme. Chaturthamsa is a magnified view of fourth house of the birth horoscope and an important chart because it indicates happiness of all types.

In order to derive Chaturthamsa horoscope from the main birth chart, the simplest method by Parashar is as follows:

Any planet in the first part of sign from 0 to 7 degree 30 minutes remains in the same sign as occupied by planet in birth chart.Planet moves to 4th house from its position in birth chart when it is posited in birth chart from 7 degree 30 minutes to 15 degree.Planet moves to 7th house from its position in birth chart when it is posited in birth chart from 15 degree to 22 degree 30 minute.Planet moves to 10th house from its position in birth chart when it is posited in birth chart from 22 degree 30 minutes to 30 degree.

The indication from D4 horoscope houses are as follows, the results will vary depending upon the strength and weakness of houses. Iam mentioning below mostly positive traits those are based on the good strength of house only and NOT the weakness. For weakness reverse may be considered depending upon the gravity of weakness of house concerned.

The first house of D4 horoscope indicates as to how native will use wealth properly in the right manner for fulfilment of desires and happiness or enjoyments.The 2nd house of D4 horoscope indicates native capacity to accumulate wealth and seek enjoyment thru wealth.The 3rd house of D4 horoscope indicates native’s risk taking capacity or courage to earn wealth. This also indicates changes in place of living/ house for better status.The 4th house of D4 horoscope indicates native’s sense and inclination towards acquiring happiness and enjoyment. Indication of types of assets native creates whether such assets are of permanent nature or temporary nature.The 5th house of D4 horoscope indicates if native will acquire wealth based on past life karma, due to fate and whether native assets & happiness will be long lasting or not.The 6th house of D4 horoscope chart indicates whether native’s wealth will be lost due to enmity or will be distributed to others under some unavoidable circumstances.The 7th house of D4 horoscope chart indicates native’s wealth status or image as observed by outsiders, public and associates. Acquiring wealth thru partnership or joint ventures.The 8th house of D4 horoscope chart indicates loss of wealth in big way or permanently. As an exception, position of Mercury in 8th house indicates better financial results / status depending on its own strength or weakness.The 9th house of D4 horoscope chart indicates native’s attitude to use wealth in pious causes, religious activities and charities of any type. Prosperity of native thru blessings of saints & sages as well as luck.The 10th house of D4 horoscope chart indicates how native employs wealth in action or on what kind of karma. In case 10th house is weak and its lord is also weak, then native is prone to loose wealth solely because of self-decision & actions. In case Sun and Jupiter are also weak, native can loose substantial wealth due to Government penalties.The 11th house of D4 horoscope chart indicates gain of wealth, assets and goodwill. It also indicates increase of social status along with financial prosperity.The 12th house of D4 horoscope chart indicates financial losses on account of wrong doing and bad habits. All kinds of wasteful expenditures, losses on account of medical treatments, losses in overseas countries.

Apart from all above many other things are evaluated. For example, the D4 horoscope is also evaluated for seeing mother’s mutual love & affection. When lagan lord and 4th house lord are mutually well placed, great affection with mother is indicated.

Sale of inherited property and loss of wealth is seen when 4th house lord is associated with malefic and posited in weak 2nd house

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